Awesome, mature & experienced doula here to help support new families during birth and other most sacred times


Helping you have a successful journey through pregnancy and birth is what I do. Whether you intend to birth in a hospital (natural, medicated, epidural OR whatever!), have a cesarean, utilize a birth center, give birth at home, have a water birth, use aromatherapy. . .know that I will help you and your partner (if you have one) create a birth plan and a birth space that is tailored to the needs of you and your baby and help you give birth the way YOU want.

  • I hired Rae Ann to be my birth doula and it was the best decision I made regarding my pregnancy and the birth of my daughter. Rae Ann was extremely knowledgeable, caring and compassionate throughout my pregnancy and in the delivery room. She was diligent to educate me on what to expect at each stage of pregnancy. And in the delivery room she was my advocate, a calming voice and my rock to lean on. She knew exactly what to do at every phase of labor to help bring me comfort and guidance. My labor and birth had severe complications and Rae Ann handled the situation beautifully. Throughout the chaos, she kept me calm and focused on what I needed to do for myself and my baby. And at the end of it all, I had a healthy newborn daughter. If you're considering hiring a birth doula, you won't find someone more competent, caring and compassionate than Rae Ann!

    Mel M
  • Rae was our birth doula and she was awesome! From the very beginning she gave us helpful advice and knew many ways to cope with pain and help labor progress. I ended up choosing an epidural, but even after that she knew some things to do to help baby descend. She involved my husband in everything we did to make sure he felt right there beside me the whole time. Rae was a calming presence in the room and helped me feel more secure. She stayed through my entire 18-hour labor...from the time I entered triage through the golden hour after birth with my baby. She was a great find and I would recommend her to anyone.

    R&M S.
  • We met Rae Ann at a birth worker's event while searching for a doula. From the beginning, I knew she was the one for me. Just listening to her talk about her experiences and how she approaches helping families with pregnancy and birth instantly told me that Rae was exactly what I needed in a doula. So I hired her. She detailed how she would come alongside my husband and I during our pregnancy and birth and help us any way she could. From her contract to the thorough educational materials she put together in a book and gave was all very helpful. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond everyone's control, Rae was unable to attend my birth. However, she supplied us with an extremely competent backup doula who was quite similar to herself. I was bummed that Rae was unable to be my doula during my birth, as we had traveled through my entire pregnancy together. But she did an amazing job making sure I was taken care of and I appreciate everything she did for me, my husband and our baby.

  • I had a great experience with Rae Ann as my doula. She provided great emotional support, client care and advice. Rae spent much time informing and educating me on how to get better sleep, how to calm racing thoughts and how to seek help for prenatal depression. From the beginning, we knew Rae wouldn't be with me at my birth due to the fact that I was pregnant with twins and my doctor and I decided early on that I should have a C-section. I hired Rae strictly for prenatal and postpartum support, and she really came through for me. Mine was a challenging pregnancy, but Rae was with me every step of the way and I know my experience was less difficult because of her presence.

  • I hired Rae as my doula and she was wonderful. I (now regretfully) elected to induce at 38 weeks when my midwife offered that option. I've had several babies and was just tired of being pregnant. The decision to induce was a very bad idea, but Rae supported me in my choice. She stayed with me seventeen hours and helped me through all of the interventions they did to induce labor and during the labor. After seventeen hours I was exhausted and only dilated to a "3". I elected an epidural at that point. After my epidural, I really just wanted to rest and sleep and I was really frustrated that I wasn't further along. I was so upset, all I wanted was my husband in the room. Rae completely understood and graciously took her leave with the promise to return when the baby was coming. She told me it was my birth and my choice who I wanted in the room, and if I needed some alone time with my husband that was perfectly acceptable to her. Fast forward, I was woken up at 6am the next morning to be checked and I was ready to push. I didn't even have time to call Rae (the baby came so fast!), so she did not make it to the birth. But that was in no part Rae's fault. She texted my husband minutes after the baby was born to see how we were doing and to ask if we needed her yet. My husband sent her back a text saying the baby is here. Although Rae wasn't there at the birth, I'm so glad she was my doula. She helped me through the pregnancy and through the hardest part of my labor. I will always be thankful I hired her.

    Tay S.


Small icon image of a pregnant woman


As a seasoned birth doula, I am a professional support person trained in the needs of the expectant mother and her family during pregnancy and childbirth. I will be there to support you during your pregnancy from the time you hire me, and I will be there for you during your birth. I will support you no matter what your choices are: all-natural, medicated, with an epidural, in a hospital, a birth center, at home, anything you choose. And you can bet there will be no judgement from me, no matter what choices you make during your pregnancy and birth. I will help guide you with evidence-based education and practical hands-on support, including comfort measures, holding space, emotional support, massages and any other techniques I’ve learned. If you are considering a doula, I would love to chat and hopefully partner with you for your pregnancy and birth!

Small icon image of a baby


Historically, mothers received support from family, friends and women of the community that offered mother-to-mother support for breastfeeding challenges. Breastfeeding Counselors are individuals who are an important part of the prenatal and postpartum education and support new mothers receive. As a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, I am trained to help you with basic knowledge of breastfeeding and help solve general challenges that sometimes accompany breastfeeding.

Small icon image of baby feet


A bereavement doula is a professional who supports people through grief and loss in childbirth. While birth doulas coach families through pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period, bereavement doulas help families through pregnancy loss. I am certified to serve families through all types of pregnancy loss, and as a bereavement doula I am here to offer compassionate support tailored to your individual situation and needs. To learn more about bereavement doula services, please click here.


I create a unique process for each expectant mother to help ensure that her goals are met, a successful birth is achieved and everybody is happy. Tattoos optional!

Let's work together


Continuous labor support provided by a doula can result in*:


60% Decrease In Request for Epidural


50% Decrease In Overall Cesarean Rate


40% Decrease In The Use of Pitocin


25% Decrease In Length of Labor


TATTED: The Last-Minute Package

$ 350

  • Must be 38 weeks plus 3 days pregnant to qualify
  • Childbirth Education booklet
  • Full in-person support during labor
  • 30 - 60 minutes of support during the ``Golden Hour``
  • No backup doula provided in case of emergency
Need More Information?

INKED: The Medicaid Package

$ 550

  • One virtual prenatal meeting
  • Childbirth Education booklet
  • Phone/text/email support during entire pregnancy
  • Weekly (check-in) texts on Fridays
  • Support to develop a birth plan
  • Full in-person support during labor
  • 30 - 60 minutes of support during the ``Golden Hour``
  • Breastfeeding support if needed
  • Payment plans available
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$ 750

  • One long OR two short in-home prenatal visits
  • Childbirth Education booklet
  • Virtual visits anytime needed
  • Phone/text/email support during entire pregnancy
  • Weekly (check-in) texts or phone calls on Fridays
  • Support to develop a birth plan
  • Full in-person support during labor
  • 1-2 hours of after-birth ``Golden Hour`` support
  • Breastfeeding support if needed
  • One in-person postpartum hospital visit if needed
  • AT LEAST three postpartum check-in calls
  • One daytime home visit postpartum about one week after hospital discharge
  • Payment plans available
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COLORS: The Childbirth Education Course

$ 300*

*$150 for my Birth Doula clients

  • Comes with custom & personalized birth booklet created by me
  • Consists of two class meetings that go in-depth over the birth booklet with a very small section of postpartum content
Need More Information

COBI'S SONG: Bereavement Doula Services

$ No Charge

  • Continuous support before delivery
  • Continuous support through birth and loss
  • Provide tools and assistance to help you navigate immediately after loss
  • Help with making arrangements after loss
  • In-home visit after loss
  • As much support as needed during the first month after loss
More Information About Cobi's Song

POST-PARTUM: Doula support offered as an additional option for my birth doula clients

